I am always amazed at what one can find around this place simply by cruising the counter tops. Last night my parents must have been celebrating some special occasion because my dad had this huge fire going outside and put some kind of meat on top of it(humans are weird about that). While he was doing that stuff my mom got out this purple stuff and opened it! Whew! man, after a few sneaky sips while she was not looking, I felt great! I could make moves that would make Knowshon Mareno blush ! Well, any way after they took that meat off of the fire, they ate it in the dark out on the patio. While they were doing that, I was practicing climbing the curtains from a dead run. After the big meal they came inside and watched these two men argue on TV. I don't know what that was all about but my money is on the guy that said "I LOOKED INTO PUTIN'S EYES TOO, AND I SAW 3 THINGS....A "K" A "G" AND A "B". I finally used up all of my vino inspired energy and just curled up with my peeps and watched Andy Griffith!